Reaching your full potential isn’t an unattainable quest. It’s far easier than you think.

If someone asked you, “Do you know someone who has reached their full potential?” would you know who that was?  Would you refer to someone who is a well-known author, a super athlete, an elected leader, or a famous actor?    Would you even think to refer to yourself?

Full potential isn’t a distant dream

Reaching your full potential is not just a dream. However, many of us have the wrong assumptions about what it really means to reach our full potential. We look for it in the wrong places, establish unrealistic goals, and set bars that make little sense. Most importantly, we don't know how to define it. As a result, we often feel like we haven't reached our full potential.

We tend to believe that reaching full potential is only possible for a select few notable people. This is not true. In fact, every single one of us has the potential to reach our full potential. Unfortunately, we often assume that it is unattainable before even trying. However, reaching our full potential is not a distant dream. It is not even about a fixed end point. And it certainly is not about achieving perfection.

The truth is that you can start working towards reaching your full potential right away. It is far easier than you might think.

What are the some typical misconceptions about reaching full potential?

Unrealistic expectations: Many people have unrealistic expectations about reaching full potential, which can limit personal growth and development.

Continuous journey: Reaching full potential is not a fixed endpoint or destination. It is an ongoing journey that involves continuous growth, learning, and self-improvement.

Individual journey: Comparing your journey to others can be misleading and discouraging. Everyone has a unique set of strengths, circumstances, and goals. Embrace your own potential and don't compare yourself to others.

Focus on growth: Striving for perfection is unrealistic and unattainable. Instead, focus on growth, progress, and continuous improvement.

Not linear: Personal growth and development involve ups and downs, setbacks, and plateaus. It is not a smooth upward progression but a series of learning experiences and adaptations.

Internal validation: True fulfillment and reaching full potential come from aligning your actions with your values, passions, and purpose, regardless of external validation.

Holistic view: Full potential is not limited to career or financial success. It includes physical, mental, emotional, and relational well-being.

What does full potential actually look like?

Here’s one thing not to forget: your full potential isn’t outside yourself.  It won’t be found in a particular career, or a certain amount of salary.  It’s not found in being famous or being notable.

Reaching full potential refers to recognizing and then maximizing your talents and values in a way that guides you to personal growth and success.  It involves pushing boundaries, and continuously striving for self-improvement and self-actualization.

Your full potential is found when you have become an expert and know how to activate your strengths, values, and dreams. Here are some key elements:

  1. Self-Discovery: To reach your full potential, it’s crucial to understand yourself deeply. This includes identifying and then knowing your passions, values, interests, and strengths.

  2. Making a Positive Impact: Reaching full potential extends beyond personal growth; it involves making a positive impact on others and the world around you. Use your talents, skills, and resources to contribute to the well-being of others, whether at work, relationships, or community involvement.

  3. Continuous Learning and Growth: Actively seek out new knowledge, experiences, and skills that contribute to your personal and professional development. Embrace challenges, learn from failures, and constantly seek opportunities for growth.

  4. Embracing Passion and Purpose: Reaching your full potential often involves pursuing your passions and finding a sense of purpose in what you do. When you align your actions and goals with your deepest values and passions, you unlock a higher level of motivation and fulfillment.

What does full potential look like in practice?

For years, I sought my full potential. Initially, I thought a better job would bring me happiness. Then, I believed finding a partner and having a family would complete me. I even thought potential lay in where I lived. But I eventually discovered that true fulfillment came from a continuous exploration of my talents, passions, and values.

Today, I see much of the same trajectory in my clients.  In my coaching practice, I see people who are actively fulfilling their full potential.  And they all begin with an inward look. Full potential has looked like this with my clients:

  • Letting go of their role as high-achievers in order to invest more time with friends and family

  • Embracing daily routines that involve more space to think and just ‘be’ in order to be more present in their lives

  • Shifting their careers to invest more in their strengths in order to shine

  • Making a conscious decision to quit their job and stay at home with their kids

  • Investing in additional learning to aim their career higher

  • Finally taking steps to start that new business they always dreamed about

  • Making a new commitment to volunteer

  • Going back to school for a degree later in life

What gets in the way of full potential?

To reach our full potential, we need to overcome three main obstacles:

  1. Fear: Fear keeps us from doing what we need to do to achieve our goals. We must challenge our self-imposed limitations and replace them with empowering beliefs that help us grow and become more resilient.

  2. Low resilience and adaptability: Bouncing back from failure and keeping a positive and solution-oriented mindset is crucial to achieving our full potential.

  3. Lack of consistent action: Consistently taking action, even in the face of uncertainty and discomfort, is key to achieving our dreams and goals.

Can I work on my full potential right now? YES YOU CAN.

You can begin your journey on to reach self-potential right now.   Your first steps are all about getting clarity about what truly matters to you.  As you not know, full potential is a deeply personal and subjective concept.  So start with asking yourself a few simple questions:

  1. What are my key strengths that I can invest in and grow? (consider taking a strengths assessment)

  2. What are the values most important to me in my life right now? (I recommend the VIA Character on Strengths Assessment)

  3. What do I aspire toward? What dreams do you have?

Once you answer these questions you can then set some clear, challenging, and meaningful goals that align with your values and aspirations.  You will want to be inspired and motivated to take action and push yourself beyond your comfort zone.

Remember, reaching full potential is that it is a dynamic and ever-evolving process rather than a fixed destination. It’s not a static point that you reach and then remain at indefinitely. It is a continuous journey of self-discovery, growth, and development.


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